
McCutcheon Air Conditioning and Heating Blog

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The R-454B Transition: What Homeowners Need to Know


Our industry is constantly evolving to meet new regulations, and one of the latest changes is the transition to R-454B refrigerant.

While we won’t dive deep into the legislation behind it, the key takeaway is that this change impacts air conditioning systems and how replacements are handled.

Unlike past refrigerant changes, swapping out an old system for a new one isn’t always a simple plug-and-play process. The shift to R-454B means new equipment designs, and in some cases, existing systems may need modifications or full replacements to ensure compatibility and efficiency.

That’s why choosing the right company for your HVAC installation matters. A proper evaluation of your home’s needs is crucial to avoid costly mistakes. Our technicians take the time to do the job right, with a full day dedicated to each install. Quality and precision can’t be rushed—especially when it comes to your comfort and investment.

If you have questions about how the R-454B transition might affect your system, we’re here to help. Contact us today for a thorough evaluation and expert guidance.

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